Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fill-ins, completed on time!

Originally uploaded by hellomizk

Hello again - I'm back already! My last post might have been just a tad bit heavy, so I'm lightening things up a bit with another installment of Friday Fill-ins. As always, it would be fun if you post your own fill-ins in the comments or, even better, on your blog if you have one!

My answers in bold, of course!

1. Taking a trip carrying only what fits in a small backpack is high up on my bucket list.

2. My favorite quote is "I like you - you're tolerable"; it's from Mr K, of course!

3. Sharing with friends and family and a chance to develop my writing skillsinspired me to start blogging.

4. Strawberries are best bought locally and in season.

5. Water was pouring out of my ceiling and I was stressed out about trying to explain the situation to our building concierge in French in the last dream I remember having.

6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is right before a summer storm, when the wind is blowing but the rain hasn't started.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to jiu jitsu and Mario Kart, tomorrow my plans include much cooking and eating with friends, with a possibility of Frog Museum in early afternoon and Sunday, I want to not clean, not do dishes, and not do laundry!


Billy Rhythm said...

A fellow "Friday Fill In-er" asks: What's "frog museum"?

Maisie said...

A frog museum? That sounds interesting. I don't like cleaning up on Sunday either - it's the weekend.

Janet said...

LOL I don't want to do any of those things on Sunday either.

Thanks for playing, hope your weekend is going well!

Anonymous said...

1. A neck massage from Cindy Crawford is high up on my bucket list.

2. My favorite quote is "The difference between genius and stupidity is that there is a limit to genius" Einstein

3. A daughter who told me I should do it inspired me to start blogging.

4. Motorcycles are best bought locally and in season.

5. Something about being in school and smelling very bad was in the last dream I remember having.

6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is right before you climb into a golf cart on a crisp fall day

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to trying out my rescue knife (no calls though) tomorrow my plans include getting ready for father's day and Sunday, picnicing with Terry and Tammy

Jen said...

Tell Mr K I LOVE his quote!!! :-)

Miz K said...

lol - I know - he's such a romantic!