Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Fill-in Fun

Looks like it's time for another set of Friday Fill-ins! Please entertain me and play along in the comments or in your own blog! My additions are in bold (not blood as I had originally typo-ed it...)

1. Birthdays are kind of overrated - especially as you get older - then again, it's hard to complain about an excuse to eat cake.

2. Fall is my favorite season because the heat of summer is fading while the leaves are brightening and the air outside smells so complex and rich.

3. I feel my best when I'm painting and it's going well enough that I've lost track of time.

4. There is no way I could choose one item and declare that it is my favorite food!

5. First impressions are just as important as people say but still no excuse to drive yourself crazy with worry.

6. The best piece of advice I ever received was probably from my mom or dad and is now so deeply ingrained in my psyche that I can't separate it from my actions.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to jui jitsu and dodging sweat, tomorrow my plans include seeing the yodelers in Lucerne unless we get lazy and Sunday, I want to get really lazy!


Janet said...

blood LMAO! That gives me an idea...

thanks for playing, enjoy your weekend :-)

tanabata said...

I completely agree with you on #1 and 2. :)

Bellezza said...

I wish I would have not committed myself to three foods, see I couldn't pick one even then, but had said what you did: ALL foods are yummy! Okay, except maybe big, leafy greens on a steady basis. It'll be fun to look forward to the Fall colors, won't it? Then comes my favorite season: Winter!

Bellezza said...

I also want to say that my husband lived in Zurich for several years, and that is where we took our honeymoon. I dearly love Europe, having lived in France and Germany for several periods of my life. It's nice to have that connection with you. What I wouldn't give for a coffee on the Bahnhauf Strasse right now...

Miz K said...

That's really cool, Bellezza! We've only been to Zurich once so far but I'm sure we'll end up back there again soon! I can understand about the coffee, too - my husband is completely hooked and goes through "real" coffee withdrawal when we visit the US. Now if only we could make them understand what a taco is supposed to look/smell/taste like!

jlshall said...

I totally agree with your first answer - especially if the cake is chocolate. And I think "dodging sweat" must be the most unique plan I've seen in the Fill-ins! But I have to say it sounds like a very good idea.